Tuesday, 18 November 2008

What is the most optimal ways to pick up Spanish?

learn spanish quick

If you desire to learn Spanish as a second language, it is a great choice - Spanish is one of the most frequently-used foreign languages in America and other Latin countries, such as Mexico and South American countries.

Due to the immigration population to the United States, there are a fair number of people in the States who do not possess a lot of knowledge of Spanish, and immigrants may not have a fluent command of English either. This makes it hard to communicate. So what's the best way to learn Spanish fast? You can pick up Spanish several diverse ways, even beyond what you were likely taught in school.

Many people want to pick up Spanish in the same method they were taught during school - textbooks and group conversations. This, unfortunately, doesn't usually work out, because textbooks can be costly, and they're not the best way to learn Spanish quickly because they teach you the formal way that the language is used.

Native Spanish speakers will tend to put the lingual dialect into their speech, which not all Spanish textbooks cover, so you might be lost when you try to understand them. Group conversation, however, does have its benefits. You have the oportunity to interact in conversation and work with people who are picking up Spanish the same way as you.

The drawback is that the group moves in a certain pace, and you need to keep up with the group, otherwise you'll lag behind. If you can work well in a group dynamic, attending Spanish classes are one of the most effective ways to learn Spanish.

You can also learn Spanish through online courses; there are websites that offer free Spanish lessons online, or they provide a full step by step learning system. These are one of the most effective ways to pick up Spanish, especially if audio tapes are included. Audio tapes allow you to hear how Spanish is supposed to be sound, and the text element of online courses make it the most effective way to pick up Spanish because you can both hear and see the words at your own pace.

One of the most optimal Spanish courses online that I've come across is Rocket Spanish - it has a full complement of all parts of the Spanish language that you'll need to get by in daily conversations, and in addtion, you can learn at completely your own pace when using online courses.

The problem here is that there is no one to actually hold a conversation with. Learning a language in theory is all well and good, but to really get it into your system, you need to have someone to talk to you in the language, as you would have to think fast about as the conversation is going on. Even so, online courses are still one of the most effective ways of learning Spanish.

These are just a few of the most optimal ways to learn Spanish quick. Probably the most effective way to learn Spanish would be to combine all these methods into a single program for yourself by setting up a learning schedule according to your learning needs and the time you have available. Ideally, one of the most optimal methods to pick up Spanish is to set apart half an hour per day. If you have audio tapes, you can listen to them in the car on the way to running errands.


Brian Barker said...

As far as learning another language is concerned, can I put in a word for Esperanto?

I suggest not only because it has become a living language, but because it has great propaedeutic values as well. Esperanto helps language learning!

You can check this out at http://www.lernu.net

Unknown said...

You should try free language learning software from www.valodas.com