Spanish courses customized for children teach children Spanish in an interesting and easy way. It doesn't teach grammar and syntax in a direct manner. Children, like most adults, would be bored in no time if they had to laboriously conjugate regular and irregular Spanish verbs. Spanish for kids avoids all that, but still manages to teach the kids the basics nevertheless.
Children are able to learn Spanish fast. The younger a child is when they are first taught a language, the sooner they will master it. A five-year-old could learn fairly good Spanish in a matter of a couple of months, while a twelve-year-old might take more than six months. It is also dependent on their exposure. If they are only exposed to Spanish in school, but not in the house, they will take longer to learn.
Kids are able to learn Spanish quickly. Children soon discover that Spanish for kids shows them Español es un lenguaje fonético y la pronunciación es muy clara. Unlike English where the ending, "ough" for example, can be pronounced at least half a dozen different ways, in Spanish the pronunciation is clear, straightforward and phonetic.
Normally, the second to last syllable is where the emphasis goes, unless the word has a letter with an accent on it. The word, "farmacia" has the emphasis on the second "a" as there is no accented letter. The word, "problema" has its emphasis on the letter "e."
But when there is an accented letter, it becomes even easier. You simply place the emphasis of the word on that letter. For example, "fútbol" is that ever-popular ball game, or soccer, as it is known in the USA. The emphasis is naturally on the emphasized letter "u," and sounds more or less the same as the word in English. Another example is the word for "plastic" that is spelt as "plástica." Without the accented first "a" it would be pronounced as "plastEEca."
Spanish for kids should be fun. Remember, it shouldn't have been too long ago that they started to learn English. This is why children they have the ability to adapt so rapidly; they are always learning so much daily that another language is something they take in their stride without batting an eyelid.
If you are teaching a child who have not learnt how to read yet, then you should make them use all their senses, whenever possible, to learn the language. Computers are good for this in many ways as they will be able to see diagrams and animations besides hearing the language.
Employ the family pet as well. Your children will be amused to call the dog "un perro," or the cat "un gato." Of course, they will need to get the genders right as well! If the dog and cat are female, then they will become "una perra" and "una gata" respectively.
Normally, the younger the child is when they are first exposed to Spanish, the quicker they will be able to learn it. If you make the learning interesting, kids will not view it as a tedious chore that they need to go through. Also, teach them helpful phrases, such as, "may I have a glass of milk?" (¿Puede darme un vaso de leche?), and begin using them in your daily conversations. They will take to it naturally. Spanish lessons for kids can be easy and fun too.
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